Słownik terminologii komputerowej

Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki lub indeksu alfabetycznego.
Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.

a (1281)

A Hardware Programming Language, A Hardware Programming Language, A Language Encouraging Program Hierarchy, A Language for Attributed Definitions, A Language with an Extensible Compiler, A Language with an Extensible Compiler, A Manufacturing Language, A Manufacturing Language, A PArse REquest Language, A PArse REquest Language, A Programming Language, A Programming Language, A Simulation Process-Oriented Language, A Simulation Process-Oriented Language, A Tools Integration Standard, A Tools Integration Standard, A#, A&B, A'UM, A* search, A-0, A-3, A-3, A-Life, A-language, A-law, A. K. Erlang, A. K. Erlang, A/D converter, A/UX, A1 security, A20 handler, A3D, A4C, A4C, AAC, AAC, AADL, AADL, AAL, AAP, AAP, AAP DTD, AARP, AARP, AARP probe packets, AAUI, AAUI, ABC, ABC ALGOL, ABCL/1, ABCL/R, ABCL/R2, ABCL/c+, ABEND, ABI, ABI, ABLE, ABM, ABM, ABNF, ABNF, ABP, ABR, ABR, ABR, ABSET, ABSYS, AC2, AC3, ACA, ACA, ACAP, ACAP, ACCLAIM, ACCU, ACCU, ACE, ACF, ACF, ACF/NCP, ACF/NCP, ACIA, ACIA, ACID, ACIS, ACK, ACL, ACM, ACME, ACOM, ACOS, ACP, ACP, ACPI, ACPI, ACSE, ACSE, ACT, ACT 1, ACT 1, ACT ONE, ACT++, AD, AD, AD/Cycle, ADABAS, ADAM, ADAMO, ADAPT, ADC, ADCCP, ADCCP, ADCU, ADD 1 TO COBOL GIVING COBOL, ADDD, ADELE, ADES, ADL, ADM, ADMD, ADMD, ADO, ADO, ADPCM, ADPCM, ADR, ADR, ADS, ADSL, ADSL, ADSL, ADSP, ADSP, ADSU, ADT, ADT, ADVENT, ADVSYS, AE, AE, AED, AED, AEGIS, AEP, AES, AESOP, AESOP, AFAC, AFAIK, AFIPS, AFJ, AFJ, AFK, AFNOR, AFP, AFS, AFS, AFUU, AFUU, AGL, AGM Theory for Belief Revision, AGORA, AGP, AGP, AGP, AGP graphics, AGP graphics, AGP graphics, AHDL, AHDL, AHPL, AHPL, AI, AI, AI International, AI koan, AI-complete, AIA, AIA, AID, AID, AIDA, AIDS, AIDX, AIFF, AIFF, AIMACO, AIMACO, AIR, AIT, AIT, AIX, AIX, AIr MAterial COmmand compiler, AIr MAterial COmmand compiler, AKC, AKCL, AKCL, AKL, AKL, AL, ALADIN, ALAM, ALARP, ALARP, ALC, ALCOR, ALDES, ALDES, ALDiSP, ALDiSP, ALEC, ALEC, ALEF, ALEPH, ALF, ALF, ALGEBRAIC, ALGOL, ALGOL, ALGOL 58, ALGOL 60, ALGOL 60, ALGOL 60 Modified, ALGOL 60 Revised, ALGOL 68, ALGOL 68 Revised, ALGOL 68-R, ALGOL 68C, ALGOL 68RS, ALGOL 68S, ALGOL C, ALGOL D, ALGOL N, ALGOL W, ALGOL X, ALGOL Y, ALGY, ALIAS, ALIAS, ALJABR, ALLIANCE, ALLOY, ALM, ALP, ALPAK, ALPHA, ALPS, ALTAC, ALTER, ALTRAN, ALU, ALgorIthmic ASsembly language, ALgorIthmic ASsembly language, ALgorithm DEScription, ALgorithm DEScription, AM, AMBIT, AMBIT/G, AMBIT/L, AMBIT/S, AMBUSH, AMD, AMD 29000, AMD 29027, AMD Am2901, AMD Am2903, AMD Am2910, AMD K7, AMD K7, AMI, AML, AML, AML/E, AMO, AMO, AMP, AMPL, AMPLE, AMPPL-II, AMPPL-II, AMPS, AMS, AMS, AMTRAN, AMTRAN, ANCP, AND, ANDF, ANDF, ANI, ANI, ANL, ANNotated Ada, ANNotated Ada, ANR, ANR, ANS, ANS, ANSA, ANSA, ANSI, ANSI, ANSI C, ANSI Minimal BASIC, ANSI X12, ANSI Z39.50, ANSI/SPARC, ANSI/SPARC Architecture, ANSI/SPARC Architecture, ANSI/SPARC model, ANSI/SPARC model, ANTLR, ANTLR, ANU, ANU ML, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, AOCE, AOCE, AOL, AOP, AOP, AOS, APA, APA, APAL, APAL, APAREL, APAREL, APC, APC, APDL, APDL, APE, API, API, API, API, APIC, APIC, APL, APL, APL2, APLGOL, APLWEB, APM, APM, APPC, APPC, APPLE, APPLOG, APPN, APPN, APSE, APSE, APT, APX III, AQL, ARC, ARC, ARC, ARCS, ARCS, ARCS, ARCnet, ARES, AREV, AREV, AREXX, ARI Service, ARITH-MATIC, ARITH-MATIC, ARL, ARM, ARM Ltd, ARM Ltd, ARM610, ARM7, ARM710, ARM7500, ARM8, ARM800, ARMM, ARMM, ARP, ARP, ARPA, ARPA, ARPANET, ARPANET, ARQ, ARQ, ART, ARTSPEAK, AS, AS/400, AS/400, AS400, AS400, ASA, ASA, ASCI, ASCII, ASCII, ASCII art, ASCII art, ASCII character table, ASCII graphics, ASCII graphics, ASCIIbetical order, ASCIIbonics, ASDIMPL, ASDIMPL, ASDL, ASDL, ASDO IMPlementation Language, ASDO IMPlementation Language, ASE, ASF, ASIC, ASIC, ASIS, ASK, ASL, ASL+, ASM, ASM, ASM, ASME, ASME, ASN, ASN, ASN.1, ASN.1, ASP, ASPECT, ASPEN, ASPI, ASPI, ASPIK, ASPLE, ASPOL, ASPOL, ASQC, ASR, ASR, ASSEMBLY, ASSET, ASSET, AST, AST Computers, LLC, AST Research, Inc., ASTAP, ASTAP, ASpecT, AT, AT Attachment, AT Attachment, AT Attachment, AT Attachment Packet Interface, AT Attachment Packet Interface, AT bus architecture, AT&T, AT&T, AT&T Bell Labs, AT-3, ATA, ATA, ATA, ATA point, ATA point, ATA-2, ATA-2, ATA-4, ATAPI, ATAPI, ATIS, ATIS, ATK, ATK, ATLAS, ATLAS, ATM, ATM Forum, ATMP, ATOLL, ATOLL, ATRAC, ATRAC, ATS, ATS, ATX, AUI, AUP, AUTO-PROMPT, AUTOCODER, AUTOEXEC.BAT, AUTOGRAF, AUTOGRP, AUTOGRP, AUTOMATH, AUTOmated GRouPing system, AUTOmated GRouPing system, AVC, AVC, AVI, AVI, AVS, AVS, AWE, AWE, AWG, AWG, AWT, AWT, AWT, AXIOM, AXIOM*, AXLE, AYT, AZERTY, Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems, Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems, AberMUD, Abstract Machine Notation, Abstract Syntax Notation 1, Abstract Syntax Notation 1, Abstract Window Toolkit, Abstract Window Toolkit, Abstract Window Toolkit, Abstract Windowing Toolkit, Abstract Windowing Toolkit, Abstract Windowing Toolkit, Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language, Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language, Accelerated Graphics Port, Accelerated Graphics Port, Accelerated Graphics Port, Accent, Acceptable Use Policy, Acceptance, Test Or Launch Language, Acceptance, Test Or Launch Language, Access, Access Control List, Account Representative, Accounting File, Acorn Archimedes, Acorn Archimedes, Acorn Computer Group, Acorn Computers Ltd., Acorn Computers Ltd., Acorn Online Media, Acorn RISC Machine, Acrobat, Act1, Act2, Act3, Actalk, Actis, Active Directory, Active Language I, Active Measurement Project, Active Monitor, Active Reconfiguring Message, Active Server Pages, ActiveX, ActiveX Data Objects, ActiveX Data Objects, Actor, Actors, Actra, Actus, AdLog, Ada, Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 9X, Ada Core Technologies, Ada Lovelace, Ada Programming Support Environment, Ada Programming Support Environment, Ada Semantic Interface Specification, Ada Software Repository, Ada++, Ada-O, Ada/Ed, Adaline, Adam Osborne, Adam7, Adamakegen, Adaplan, Adaplex, Adaptable User Interface, Adaptec, Adaptive Communication Environment, Adaptive Digital Pulse Code Modulation, Adaptive Digital Pulse Code Modulation, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Adaptive Simulated Annealing, Adaptive Simulated Annealing, Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding, Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding, Adaptor, Address Resolution Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol, Address Strobe, Aditi, Administration Management Domain, Administration Management Domain, Administrative Domain, Administrative Domain, Adobe Systems, Inc., Adobe Type Manager, Advanced Audio Coding, Advanced Audio Coding, Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program, Advanced Communication Function/Network Control Program, Advanced Communications Function, Advanced Communications Function, Advanced Computing Environment, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol, Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol, Advanced Encryption Standard, Advanced Function Presentation, Advanced Function Presentation, Advanced Function Printing, Advanced Function Printing, Advanced Intelligent Tape, Advanced Intelligent Tape, Advanced Interactive eXecutive, Advanced Interactive eXecutive, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Advanced Network Systems Architecture, Advanced Network Systems Architecture, Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, Advanced Power Management, Advanced Power Management, Advanced Program-to-Program Communications, Advanced Program-to-Program Communications, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller, Advanced RISC Computing Specification, Advanced RISC Computing Specification, Advanced RISC Computing Specification, Advanced RISC Machine, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., Advanced Research Projects Agency, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, Advanced Revelation, Advanced Revelation, Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface, Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface, Advanced STatistical Analysis Program, Advanced STatistical Analysis Program, Advanced Software Environment, Advanced Technology Attachment, Advanced Technology Attachment, Advanced Technology Attachment, Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions, Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions, Advanced Video Coding, Advanced Video Coding, Advanced WavEffect, Advanced WavEffect, Advantage Gen, Adventure Definition Language, Aegis, Aeolus, Agner Krarup Erlang, Agner Krarup Erlang, Aiken code, Aimnet, Ajax, Aladdin Enterprises, Aladdin Systems, Inc., Alan F. Shugart, Alan F. Shugart, Alan Kay, Alan M. Turing, Alan M. Turing, Alan Shugart, Alan Shugart, Alan Turing, Alan Turing, Alcool-90, Aldat, Aleph, Alex, Alexis, Alfl, Algebra of Communicating Processes, Algebra of Communicating Processes, Algebraic Compiler and Translator, Algebraic Compiler and Translator, Algebraic Interpretive Dialogue, Algebraic Interpretive Dialogue, Algebraic Logic Functional language, Algebraic Logic Functional language, Algebraic Manipulation Package, Algebraic Specification Language, Algorithmic Language, Algorithmic Model, Algorithmic Processor Description Language, Algorithmic Processor Description Language, Algorithmic Test Case Generation, Alice, Allegro, Aloha, Aloha Net, Alonzo Church, Alpha, Alpha AXP 21164, Alpha EV6, Alpha Geek, Alphard, Alta Vista, Altair 8800, Alternating bit protocol, Aluminum Book, Alvey, Amanda, Amber, Amdahl, Amdahl Corporation, Amdahl's Law, America On-Line, Inc., America's Multimedia Online, America's Multimedia Online, American National Standard, American National Standard, American National Standards Institute, American National Standards Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc., American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc., American Wire Gauge, American Wire Gauge, Amiga, Amiga E, Aminet, Amoeba, Ampere, Amplitude Modulation, Amulet, An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming, An Evolutionary System for On-line Programming, Analog Hardware Design Language, Analog Hardware Design Language, Analogy Model, Analytical Engine, Analytical Engine, Analytical Machine, Analytical Machine, Analytical Solutions Forum, Andorra Kernel Language, Andorra Kernel Language, Andorra-I, Andorra-Prolog, Andrei Markov, Andrew File System, Andrew File System, Andrew Fluegelman, Andrew Message System, Andrew Message System, Andrew Project, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Andrew Tanenbaum, Andrew Tanenbaum, Andrew Tanenbaum, Andrew Toolkit, Andrew Toolkit, Andy Tanenbaum, Andy Tanenbaum, Andy Tanenbaum, Angel, Anglo-Saxon point, Anglo-Saxon point, Animated GIF, Animus, Anna, Anna, Annual Change Traffic, Anthony Hoare, Apache, Apache Software Foundation, Apollo Computer, AppKit, Apple, Apple, Apple Address Resolution Protocol, Apple Address Resolution Protocol, Apple Attachment Unit Interface, Apple Attachment Unit Interface, Apple Computer, Inc., Apple Computer, Inc., Apple II, Apple Macintosh, Apple Newton, Apple Open Collaboration Environment, Apple Open Collaboration Environment, AppleScript, AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol, AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol, AppleTalk Filing Protocol, Applesoft BASIC, Appletalk, Application Binary Interface, Application Binary Interface, Application Configuration Access Protocol, Application Configuration Access Protocol, Application Control Architecture, Application Control Architecture, Application Developer, Application Executive, Application Executive, Application Integration Architecture, Application Integration Architecture, Application Portability Architecture, Application Portability Architecture, Application Program Interface, Application Program Interface, Application Program Interface, Application Program Interface, Application Programming Interface, Application Programming Interface, Application Programming Interface, Application Programming Interface, Application Protocol Data Unit, Application Service Element, Application Software Installation Server, Application Visualisation System, Application Visualisation System, Application environment specification, Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, Applications Development Manager, Applications Programming Interface, Applications Programming Interface, Applications Programming Interface, Applications Programming Interface, Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing, Applicative Language for Digital Signal Processing, April Fool's Joke, April Fool's Joke, Arcade, ArchBSD, Archimedes, Archimedes, Architecture Neutral Distribution Format, Architecture Neutral Distribution Format, Arctic, Argus, Ariel, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Arjuna, Array Processor Assembly Language, Array Processor Assembly Language, Array Theory, Artemis microkernel, Artifex, Artificial Intelligence Lab, Artificial Life, Artisoft, Inc., Artistic license, As Low As Reasonably Practicable, As Low As Reasonably Practicable, Ashmedai, Ashton-Tate Corporation, Asiliant Technologies, Aspirin, Assembly Language, Assembly Language Compiler, Assembly Language for Multics, Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology, Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology, Association Control Service Element, Association Control Service Element, Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix, Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix, Association for Computational Linguistics, Association for Computing, Association for Computing, Association for Computing Machinery, Association for Computing Machinery, Association for Progressive Communications, Association for Progressive Communications, Association for SIMULA Users, Association of American Publishers, Association of American Publishers, Association of C and C++ Users, Association of C and C++ Users, Association of Lisp Users, Associative Memory Parallel Processing Language, Associative Memory Parallel Processing Language, Astra Digital Radio, Astra Digital Radio, Astral, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop, Asynchronous Balanced Mode, Asynchronous Balanced Mode, Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter, Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, AtFS, AtFS, Atanasoff, John Vincent, Atanasoff-Berry Computer, Atari, Atari ST, Athena, Atherton Technology, Athlon, Athlon, Atlas Autocode, Attachment Unit Interface, Attribute Translation System, Attribute Translation System, Attributed File System, Attributed File System, Audio IFF, Audio IFF, Audio Processing Technology, Audio Video Interleave, Audio Video Interleave, AudioOne, Augmented Backus-Naur Form, Augmented Backus-Naur Form, Aurora, Austin Kyoto Common Lisp, Austin Kyoto Common Lisp, Auto Idle, AutoCAD, Autocode, Autodesk, Inc., Autolisp, Automated Engineering Design, Automated Engineering Design, Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation, Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation, Automatic Mathematical TRANslation, Automatic Mathematical TRANslation, Automatic Network Routing, Automatic Network Routing, Automatic Number Identification, Automatic Number Identification, Automatic Repeat Request, Automatic Repeat Request, Automatic Send Receive, Automatic Send Receive, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, Automatically Programmed Tools, Automatische Rechenplanfertigung, Automatrix, Inc., Autonomous System, Autonomous System Number, Autonomous System Number, Autopass, Autostat, Avalon/C++, Avalon/Common LISP, AverStar, Avon, Axiom of Choice, Axiom of Comprehension, Axiomatic Architecture Description Language, Axiomatic Architecture Description Language, a1, a56, aXe, aard, abbrev, abduction, abort, abscissa, absolute path, absolute pathname, abstract, abstract class, abstract data type, abstract data type, abstract interpretation, abstract machine, abstract syntax, abstract syntax tree, abstraction, accelerator, accept, acceptance testing, acceptor, access method, access permission, access point, access time, accounting management, accumulator, accuracy, acorn, acorn, acoustic coupler, acronym, activation record, active DBMS, active matrix display, active object, actor, actor/singer/waiter/webmaster, actual argument, ad, ad hoc, ad-hoc polymorphism, ad-hockery, adaptive answering, adaptive learning, adaptive routing, additive, address, address book, address bus, address mask, address resolution, address space, addressed call mode, addressee, addressing mode, adjacency, adjacency, adjacent, adjacent, admin, administrative distance, admissible, adware, ae, aeroplane rule, aeroplane rule, af, affine transformation, affordance, aflex, ag, agent, aggregate type, aggregation, aggregator, ai, airplane rule, airplane rule, al, al-Khwarizmi, aleph 0, alert, algebra, algebraic, algebraic data type, algebraic structure, algorithim, algorithm, alias, aliasing, aliasing bug, alife, all-elbows, allow-none, alpha conversion, alpha particle, alpha testing, alpha/beta pruning, alphabetic language, alphanumeric, alt, alt, alt bit, alt.sources, altmode, altmode, am, amateur packet radio, amp off, amper, amper, ampersand, ampersand, an, analog, analog computer, analog computer, analogue, analogue computer, analogue computer, analytical CRM, anchor, angle bracket, angry fruit salad, animation, annealing, annotate, annotate, annotation, annotation, annoybot, annoyware, annulled branch, anonymous FTP, antenna gain, anti-aliasing, antichain, antisymmetric, antivirus, antivirus, antivirus, antivirus program, antivirus program, antivirus program, antivirus software, antivirus software, antivirus software, any key, anytime algorithm, ao, apE, apostrophe, app, app, app, app, applet, appletviewer, application, application development, application enablement services, application layer, application lifecycle management, application program, application program, application program, application program, application server, application service provider, application software, application software, application software, application software, application testing, applications language, applications software, applications software, applications software, applications software, applicative language, applicative order reduction, approximation algorithm, aq, ar, arbitrary precision calculator, arc, archie, architecture, archive, archive site, arena, arg, arg, argument, argument, arithmetic mean, arity, arj, armour-plated, array, array processor, arrow key, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial neural network, as, as sensible as a dictionary, as31, asap, asbestos, asbestos cork award, asbestos longjohns, ascender, ash, aspect, aspect ratio, aspect-oriented programming, aspect-oriented programming, assembler, assembly code, assembly code, assembly code, assembly language, assembly language, assembly language, assertion, asset management, assigned numbers, assignment, assignment problem, associative array, associative memory, associativity, asterisk, asterix, asymmetrical modulation, asynchronous, asynchronous logic, asyncronous, at, at sign, atob, atomic, attenuation, atto-, attoparsec, attribute, au, aubergine, audio, audiographic teleconferencing, audiographics, authentication, authoring, autobaud, autobaud, autobaud, autobogotiphobia, autoconf, autoconfiscate, autoloader, automagically, automata, automata, automata, automata theory, automata theory, automata theory, automated testing, automatic baud rate detection, automatic baud rate detection, automatic baud rate detection, automatic hyphenation, automation, automaton, automaton, automaton, autoprojector, autostereogram, auxiliary storage, av, av, availability, avatar, avatar, average seek time, aw, awk, axiom, axiom schema, axiomatic semantics, axiomatic set theory, ayacc, az