Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki lub indeksu alfabetycznego.
Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.
K, K&R, K&R C, K&R stlye, K5, K56flex, K6, K7, KA9Q, KADS, KADS, KAOS, KAP, KB, KB, KBMS, KBS, KC-85/1, KC85/2, KC85/3, KC85/4, KCL, KCL, KEE, KFX, KIBO, KIDASA Software, KIPS, KIS, KIS, KISS, KISS Principle, KL-ONE, KL0, KL1, KLB, KLB, KLOC, KMODEL, KMS, KMS, KNI, KNI, KOMPILER, KQML, KQML, KR, KR, KRC, KRC, KRL, KRS, KRYPTON, KSL, KSL, KSR, KTH, KTH, KUIP, KUIP, KUTGW, KVM, KVM, KWIC, KWIC, Kaleidoscope, Kali, Kamin's interpreters, Karel, Katmai New Instructions, Katmai New Instructions, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ken Thompson, Kent Recursive Calculator, Kent Recursive Calculator, Kerberos, Kermit, Kernel Parlog, Kernel User Interface Package, Kernel User Interface Package, Kevo, KeyNote Software, KeySpell, Keyboard Commando, Keyboard Send Receive, Keyboard Video Mouse, Keyboard Video Mouse, Keyed Sequenced Data Set, Keyed-Hashing Message Authentication, Khornerstone, Khwarizmi, Kid, Klamath, Kleene closure, Kleene closure, Kleene star, Kleene star, Kleene, Stephen Cole, Klerer-May System, Knights of the Lambda-Calculus, Knowbot Information Service, Knowbot Information Service, Knowledge Analysis and Design System, Knowledge Analysis and Design System, Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, Knowledge Sharing Effort, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Known Lazy Bastard, Known Lazy Bastard, Knuth, Kodak, Kohonen, Konrad Zuse, Korf, Richard, Korn Shell, Korn Shell, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Kvatro Telecom AS, Kvikkalkul, Kyoto Common Lisp, Kyoto Common Lisp, kahuna, kamikaze packet, kana, kangaroo code, kanji, katakana, kbps, kbps, ke, keep-alive, ken, kernal, kernal, kernel, kernel, kerning, key, key escrow, key field, key frame, keyboard, keyboard plaque, keypad, keypal, keyword, keyword in context, keyword in context, kg, kgbvax, kgbvax, kh, ki, kibibyte, kiboze, kick, kicking dead whales down the beach, kill file, killer micro, killer poke, kilo-, kilobaud, kilobit, kilobits per second, kilobits per second, kilobyte, kilobyte, kiloflops, kiosk, kit, klone, kludge, kluge, kluge around, km, kn, knapsack problem, knowbot, knowledge, knowledge base, knowledge level, knowledge representation, knowledge representation, knowledge-based system, kp, kr, kremvax, kremvax, ksh, ksh, kthx, kw, ky, kyrka, kz