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Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.
T, T, T Lisp, T Lisp, T-carrier system, T-gen, T. Kohonen, T.H.E, T1, T1, T1, T1 line, T1 line, T1 line, T1 rate, T1 rate, T1 rate, T3, T3, T3 line, T3 line, TA, TA, TA, TAA, TAB, TABLET, TABLOG, TABSOL, TAC, TACL, TACPOL, TAL, TAL, TAL, TALE, TALL, TANSTAAFL, TANSTAAFL, TAO, TAOS, TAP, TAP, TAPI, TAPI, TARTAN, TASM, TASS, TAWK, TB, TB, TBF, TBIL, TBIL, TBK, TBK, TBK, TC/IX, TCB, TCGS, TCGS, TCM, TCM, TCO, TCOL, TCOL.Ada, TCP, TCP, TCP/IP, TCPIP, TCVN 5773, TCVN 6056, TDD, TDEL, TDEL, TDF, TDFL, TDI, TDI, TDM, TDMA, TDMA, TDMA, TDR, TECO, TEI, TELCOMP, TELEPAC, TELNET, TELOS, TELSIM, TEMPLOG, TEMPO, TERM, TERMAC, TET, TFDL, TFT, TFTP, TFTP, TGA, TGA, TGS Systems, TGS-II, THEO, TIA, TIFF, TIFF, TILE Forth, TINC, TINT, TIP, TIPL, TK!Solver, TK-90X, TK-90X, TK-95, TK-95, TL/I, TL0, TL0, TL1, TLA, TLAs, TLB, TLB, TLD, TLD, TLI, TLI, TLI, TLS, TLS, TM, TMDL, TMDL, TMG, TMRC, TMRCie, TMS 9900, TNC, TNSTAAFL, TNSTAAFL, TNX, TNXE6, TOK, TOOLS, TOOLS, TOP, TOP, TOPS-10, TOPS-20, TOPS-20, TORTOS, TORTOS, TOS, TOSS, TOSS, TP/IX, TPA, TPA, TPF, TPF, TPL, TPO, TPO, TPS, TPU, TPU, TPX, TPX, TRAC, TRAC, TRANDIR, TRANQUIL, TRANS, TRANS-USE, TRANSCODE, TRANSIT, TREET, TREETRAN, TRIGMAN, TRO, TRO, TROLL, TRON, TRS, TRS, TRS-80, TRUENAME, TRUSIX, TS, TSAP, TSAP, TSEE, TSIA, TSL-1, TSO, TSO, TSP, TSP, TSP, TSR, TSR, TSV, TSV, TTD, TTD, TTD, TTFN, TTL, TTS, TTS, TTYL, TUB, TUBA, TUI, TUPLE, TUPLE, TURN, TUTOR, TV, TV, TWAIN, TWENEX, TWENEX, TWIG, TX-0, TXL, TXL, TYMCOM-X, TYMNET, TYPOL, TZ, Tabulating Machine Company, Tactile User Interface, Tagged Image File Format, Tagged Image File Format, Taligent, Tandem Application Language, Tandem Application Language, Tandem Application Language, Tandem Computers, Tandy, Tanenbaum, Andrew, Tangible User Interface, Tape Operating System, Targa Graphics Adaptor, Targa Graphics Adaptor, Target-Machine Description Language, Target-Machine Description Language, Task Control Block, Taxis, Tbl, Tcl, Tcl, Tcl Consortium, Tcl-DP, TclX, Tcode, Tcsim, Tcsim, TeX, TeX point, TeX-78, TeX-82, Teamwork, TechRef, Technical/Office Protocol, Technical/Office Protocol, Technion, Technology Enabled Relationship Manager, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, TelEnet, TeleUSE, Telecommunication Display Device, Telecommunication Display Device, Telecommunication Display Device, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, Telecommunications Industry Association, Telephone Application Program Interface, Telephony Application Programming Interface, Telephony Application Programming Interface, Telephony User Interface, Telerat, Telescope User Interface, Telescript, Teletype, Teletype Corporation, Television Interface Adaptor, Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol, Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol, Telon, Tempo, Tempura, Ten15, TenDRA, Terminal Access Controller, Terminal Adaptor, Terminal Adaptor, Terminal Adaptor, Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System, Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System, Terminal Oriented Social Science, Terminal Oriented Social Science, Terminal Productivity eXecutive, Terminal Productivity eXecutive, Terminal User Interface, Terminal User Interface, Terminate and Stay Resident, Terminate and Stay Resident, Terms Of Service, Terse, Texas Instruments, Texinfo, Text Encoding Initiative, Text Processing Utility, Text Processing Utility, Text Reckoning And Compiling, Text Reckoning And Compiling, Text To Speech, Text To Speech, Textual User Interface, Textual User Interface, That's not a bug, that's a feature!, The Cuckoo's Egg, The Dojo Toolkit, The Force, The Internet Account, The MathWorks, Inc., The Metadata Company, The Microsoft Network, The Mythical Man-Month, The Network, The Open Group, The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus, The World Of Cryton, The story of Mel, The story of Mel, The story of Mel, a Real Programmer, The story of Mel, a Real Programmer, There's More Than One Way To Do It, Theseus, ThingLab, Think C, Thinking Machines Corporation, This can't happen, This time, for sure!, Thomas, Thread Language Zero, Thread Language Zero, Thumb, Thunderbird, TickIT, Tickle, Tim Berners-Lee, Time Complex Simulator, Time Complex Simulator, Time Domain Reflectometer, Time Sharing Option, Time Sharing Option, Time Simulator, Time Simulator, Time to Live, Tinman, Tiny, Tiny BASIC, Tiny Basic Interpreter Language, Tiny Basic Interpreter Language, Tiny Clos, Tk, Tom Knight, TomeRaider, Tony Hoare, Tool Builder Kit, Tool Builder Kit, Tool Builder Kit, Tool Command Language, Tool Command Language, Toolbuilder, Toolbuilder, Toolbuilder, Top-Down Model, Tornado, Toronto Euclid, Toshiba Corporation, Tower Technology Corporation, Towers of Hanoi, Toy/Ada, Toyohashi University Parallel Lisp Environment, Toyohashi University Parallel Lisp Environment, TrackPoint, TrafoLa, Trafola-H, Transaction Application Language, Transaction Application Language, Transaction Application Language, Transaction Processing Facility, Transaction Processing Facility, Transient Program Area, Transient Program Area, Transistor-Transistor Logic, Translation Look-aside Buffer, Translation Look-aside Buffer, Transmission Control Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol, Transport Driver Interface, Transport Driver Interface, Transport Layer Interface, Transport Layer Interface, Transport Layer Interface, Transport Layer Security protocol, Transport Layer Security protocol, Transport Level Interface, Transport Level Interface, Transport Level Interface, Transport Service Access Point, Transport Service Access Point, Trash-80, Tree Transformation Language, Tree Transformation Language, Trellis, Trellis Code Modulation, Trellis Code Modulation, Trident, Trilogy, Triton, Triton II, Triton VX, Trivial File Transfer Protocol, Trivial File Transfer Protocol, Trojan horse, Trojan horse, Trouble Came Back, Truchet point, True BASIC, TrueType, Trumpet, Tsim, Tsim, Tuckals, Tukey, John, Tuki, Tunny Emulator, Tuple Space Smalltalk, Turbo C, Turbo C++, Turbo Debugger, Turbo Pascal, Turbo Prolog, Turing, Turing Machine, Turing Plus, Turing tar-pit, Turing test, Turingol, Tuxedo, Twente Compiler Generator System, Twente Compiler Generator System, Twentel, Twin Vector Quantization, Twitter, Tymshare, Inc., TypedProlog, tab-separated values, tab-separated values, table, table locking, tablespace, tag, tag name, tagged queueing, tagged types, tail call optimisation, tail call optimisation, tail call optimization, tail call optimization, tail circuit, tail recursion, tail recursion modulo cons, tail recursion optimisation, tail recursion optimisation, tail-strict, talk, talk, talk bomb, talk mode, talker system, talker system, tall card, tanked, tap, tape, tape archive, tape archive, tape archive, tape drive, tape head, tar, tar, tar, tar and feather, tarball, tarball, tarball, targa, target, task scheduling, taskbar, taste, tatar, tau, tautological probability, tautological set, tautology, tayste, taz, taz, tc, tcl-debug, tclhttpd, tcsh, td, technology, tee, telco, telecommuting, teledildonics, telegraphy, telematics, telephony, teletype, teletype, teletypewriter, teletypewriter, television, television, template, template code, template wizard, temporal database, temporal logic, ten-finger interface, tendinitis, tendinitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, tennis elbow, tennis elbow, tense, tensor product, tenured graduate student, tera-, terabyte, terabyte, teraflop, teraflop club, term rewriting system, term rewriting system, termcap, terminak, terminal, terminal adapter, terminal adapter, terminal adapter, terminal brain death, terminal emulation, terminal emulator, terminal illness, terminal junkie, terminal node, terminal server, termination analysis, terminator, ternary, terpri, terrabyte, test, test, test coverage, test-driven development, testing, testing, text, text editor, text file, text segment, text-based, texture, tf, tg, tgz, tgz, th, thanks in advance, the X that can be Y is not the true X, theology, theory, theory change, thick Ethernet cable, thick film dielectric electroluminescence, thick film dielectric electroluminescence, thicket, thicknet, thin Ethernet cable, thin client, thinko, thinnet, third generation computer, third generation language, third normal form, this dictionary, thn, thn, thrash, thrash, thrashing, thrashing, thread, thread, thread, thread-safe, threaded, threaded, threaded, threaded code, threading, threading, threading, three-finger salute, three-letter acronym, three-tier, throughput, thud, thumb, thumbnail, thumbnail, thunk, tick, tick-list features, tickle a bug, tiger team, tight loop, tilde, time T, time bomb, time complexity, time division multiple access, time division multiple access, time division multiple access, time division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, time quantum, time quantum, time shifting, time sink, time slice, time slice, time zone, time-sharing, timeout, times-or-divided-by, tinman+, tint, tip of the ice-cube, tired iron, tits on a keyboard, tj, tk, tm, tn, tn3270, to, to a first approximation, to a zeroth approximation, toast, toaster, toasternet, toggle, token, token bus, token ring, tone, tool, toolbar, toolbook, toolsmith, top-down design, top-level domain, top-level domain, topic drift, topic group, topic map, topic thread, topology, torrent, total function, total ordering, totally ordered, totally ordered set, toto, touch screen, touchpad, touchpad, tourist, tourist information, toy, toy language, toy problem, toy program, tp, tptc, tr, trace scheduling, traceroute, track, track ball, track ball, tracker ball, tracker ball, tracking, tracking cookie, tracking cookie, tracking file, tracking file, trackpad, trackpad, tractor feed, trampoline, transaction, transceiver, transducer, transfer, transfer none, transfer of control, transfer rate, transfer syntax, transfinite induction, transformation, transient, transistor, transit network, transition ad, transitive, transitive closure, transparent, transparent audio coding, transport layer, transputer, trap, trap door, trap-door function, trash, traveling salesman problem, travelling salesman, travelling salesman, travelling salesman, travelling salesman problem, travelling salesman problem, travelling salesman problem, traversal, traversal, traverse, traverse, trawl, tree, tree-killer, treeware, tri state, trigger, trigger finger, trigger finger, trigger finger, trillion, triple DES, trit, troff, troglodyte, troglodyte mode, trojan, trojan, troll, tron, true colour, true hacker, truth table, tt, tty, tube, tube time, tunafish, tune, tunneling, tunnelling, tuple, tuple calculus, tupling, turbo nerd, turist, turn-key, turtle graphics, tv, tw, tweak, tweening, tweeter, twiddle, twilight zone, twink, twinning, twip, twirling baton, twisted pair, twisted pair only, twisted pair only, twm, two-binary, one-quaternary, two-phase commit, two-to-the-N, two-valued logic, twonkie, twos complement, type, type assignment, type class, type inference, type scheme, type-ahead, type-ahead search, typed lambda-calculus, typeface, typo, typo, typo squatter, typographical error, typographical error, tyt, tz