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Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.
1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
1. A program used primarily to create, manipulate,
modify, or analyse other programs, such as a compiler or an
editor or a cross-referencing program. Opposite: app,
operating system.
2. A Unix application program with a simple, "transparent"
(typically text-stream) interface designed specifically to be
used in programmed combination with other tools (see filter,
3. (MIT: general to students there) To work; to
study (connotes tedium). The TMRC Dictionary defined this
as "to set one's brain to the grindstone". See hack.
4. (MIT) A student who studies too much and
hacks too little. MIT's student humour magazine rejoices in
the name "Tool and Die".
[Jargon File]