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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
Taking a well-designed piece of code and,
through a series of small, reversible changes, making it
completely unmaintainable by anyone except yourself. The term is
a humourous play on the term refactoring and was coined by Jason
Gorman in a pub in 2002.
Refuctoring techniques include:
Using Pig Latin as a naming convention.
Stating The Bleeding Obvious - writing comments that paraphrase
the code (e.g., "declare an integer called I with an initial value
of zero").
Module Gravity Well - adding all new code to the biggest module.
Unique Modeling Language - inventing your own visual notation.
Treasure Hunt - Writing code consisting mostly of references to
other code and documents that reference other documents.
Rainy Day Module - writing spare code just in case somebody needs
it later.
{Waterfall 2006 presentation