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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
(Usually written "*plonk*") The sound a
newbie makes as he falls to the bottom of a kill file.
In the first of a series of humourous books by Stephen Potter,
"One-Upmanship" (published in 1952) a "plonk" - a pompous bit
of misinformation said in a "plonking" tone - was a key
feature of his advice on how to "creatively intimidate"
someone by making them feel inferior and thereby gain the
status of being "one-up" on them. Since these efforts are
usually transparently pathetic, the term became widely applied
to any idiotic statement.
The term appeared on-line in the Usenet newsgroup
talk.bizarre and, by 1994, was widespread on Usenet
and mailing lists as a form of public ridicule.
The term may have been influenced by British slang "plonker"
for someone behaving stupidly. The expansion "Person with
Little Or No Knowledge" may be a backronym.