Słownik terminologii komputerowej

Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki lub indeksu alfabetycznego.
Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.

3 definitions found From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: Parallel Haskell pH (pH) A parallel variant of Haskell incorporating ideas from Id and Sisal. pH is under development. Mailing list: pH@abp.lcs.mit.edu. (1995-03-31) From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: PH The tool for looking up people in Eudora on the Macintosh. Equivalent to Unix's finger service. (1995-03-31) From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: ph The country code for the Philippines. (1999-01-27)