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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
To make a file system available for access.
Unix does this by associating the file system with a
directory (the "mount point") within a currently mounted
file system. The "root" file system is mounted on the {root
directory}, "/" early in the boot sequence. "mount" is also
the Unix command to do this, "unmount" breaks the
E.g., "mount attaches a named file system to the file system
hierarchy at the pathname location directory [...]" -- {Unix
manual page} mount(8).
File systems are usually mounted either at boot time under
control of /etc/rc (or one of its subfiles) or on demand by
an automounter daemon.
Other operating systems such as VMS and DOS mount file
systems as separate directory hierarchies without any common
ancestor or root directory.
Apparently derived from the physical sense of "mount" meaning
"attach", as in "head-mounted display", or "set up", as in
"always mount a scratch monkey, etc."
Unix manual page: mount(8).