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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
A Modula-2 compiler for VAX and MIPS. A Pascal
compiler for VAX is also included. The Pascal compiler
accepts a language that is almost identical to {Berkeley
Pascal}. It was originally designed and built by Michael L.
Powell in 1984. Joel McCormack made it faster, fixed lots of
bugs, and swiped/wrote a User's Manual. Len Lattanzi ported
it to the MIPS.
It has the following extensions: foreign function and data
interface, dynamic array variables, subarray parameters,
multi-dimensional open array parameters, {inline
procedures}, longfloat type, type-checked interface to C
library I/O routines.
It runs on VAX (Ultrix, BSD) and MIPS (Ultrix).