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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
lifted domain
In domain theory, a domain with a new bottom
element added. Given a domain D, the lifted domain, lift D
contains an element lift d corresponding to each element d in
D with the same ordering as in D and a new element bottom
which is less than every other element in lift D.
In functional languages, a lifted domain can be used to
model a constructed type, e.g. the type
data LiftedInt = K Int
contains the values K minint .. K maxint and K bottom,
corresponding to the values in Int, and a new value bottom.
This denotes the fact that when computing a value v = (K n)
the computation of either n or v may fail to terminate
yielding the values (K bottom) or bottom respectively.
(In LaTeX, a lifted domain or element is indicated by a
subscript \perp).
See also tuple.