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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
1. A library function in the C and Unix
run-time library that causes the program to terminate and
return control to the shell. The alternative to calling
"exit" is simply to "fall off the end" of the program or its
top-level, main, routine.
Equivalent functions, possibly with different names, exist in
pretty much every programming language, e.g. "exit" in
Microsoft DOS or "END" in BASIC.
On exit, the run-time system closes open files and releases
other resources. An exit status code (a small integer, with
zero meaning OK and other values typically indicating some
kind of error) can be passed as the only argument to "exit";
this will be made available to the shell. Some languages
allow the programmer to set up exit handler code which will be
called before the standard system clean-up actions.
2. Any point in a piece of code where control is returned to
the caller, possibly activating one or more user-provided exit
handlers. This might be a return statement, exit call (in
sense 1 above) or code that raises an error condition (either
intentionally or unintentionally). If the exit is from the
top-level routine then such a point would typically terminate
the whole program, as in sense 1.