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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
context clash
When a parser cannot tell which alternative
production of a syntax applies by looking at the next
input token ("lexeme"). For example, given syntax
C -> A | b c
A -> d | b e
If you're parsing non-terminal C and the next token is 'b',
you don't know whether it's the first or second alternative of
C since they both can start with b.
If a grammar can generate the same sentence in multiple different
ways (with different parse tress) then it is ambiguous. An
ambiguity must start with a context clash (but not all context
clashes imply ambiguity). To see if a context clash is also a
case of ambiguity you would need to follow the alternatives
involved in each context clash to see if they can generate the
same complete sequence of tokens.