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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
1. The protective plastic bag that accompanies {3.5-inch
microfloppy diskettes}. Rarely, also used of (paper) disk
envelopes. Unlike the write protect tab, the condom (when left
on) not only impedes the practice of SEX but has also been shown
to have a high failure rate as drive mechanisms attempt to access
the disk - and can even fatally frustrate insertion.
2. The protective cladding on a light pipe.
3. "keyboard condom": A flexible, transparent plastic cover
for a keyboard, designed to provide some protection against
dust and programming fluid without impeding typing.
4. "elephant condom": the plastic shipping bags used inside
cardboard boxes to protect hardware in transit.
[Jargon File]