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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
chip creep
card creep
Gradual loosening of an integrated circuit
("chip") in its socket as a result of expansion and
contraction during the normal heating and cooling cycles of an
electronic system, combined with vibration, e.g. due to
cooling fans. The chip can loosen to the point that poor
electrical contact between chip and socket reduces the signal
quality, causing failure. Pushing chips back into their
sockets can cure such symptoms temporarily. Permanent
solutions include soldering chips directly to the PCB and
clipping the component into the socket (as on some {in-line
memory modules}).
The same phenomenon can affect anything plugged into a socket
but not held securely in place, e.g. a circuit board plugged
into an edge connector on a motherboard or backplane can
suffer "card creep".