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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
A personal computer released in 1980 by Intertec.
The Superbrain had two Z80A microprocessors running at 4 MHz,
one for the main processing and the other for peripheral
activities. It had an integrated keyboard and display. It
was sold with the CP/M operating system, Microsoft Basic, an
8080 assembler and Microsoft Cobol 74.
The base model, the "Superbrain 10", had no drives, only a network
connection. Other models added one or two 5" floppy disc units.
The "Jr" had 170K drives (single-sided), the "QD" had 340 KB
drives (double-sided) and the "SD" had 780k.
Intertec did not sell or support a hard drive or an S-100 bus
for these machines.
The network version of the SuperBrain was called CompuStar. The
network was a large gray parallel cable. CompuStar had three
"file servers" that accepted up to 255 machines. These were the
"DSS-10" with a 10MB 8" Winchester drive; the "CDC" with 96MB
consisting of 80MB fixed and a 16MB removable platter; and the
"Priam" with a 144MB 14" platter winchester. Intertec
manufactured the controllers for the last two and an enclosure and
power supply for the Priam. CDC had to go on-site to install the
The SuperBrain was succeeded in 1982 by the SuperBrain II.