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1 definition found From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: Prolog Programming in Logic or (French) Programmation en Logique. The first of the huge family of {logic programming} languages. Prolog was invented by Alain Colmerauer and Phillipe Roussel at the University of Aix-Marseille in 1971. It was first implemented 1972 in ALGOL-W. It was designed originally for natural-language processing but has become one of the most widely used languages for artificial intelligence. It is based on LUSH (or SLD) resolution {theorem proving} and unification. The first versions had no user-defined functions and no control structure other than the built-in depth-first search with backtracking. Early collaboration between Marseille and Robert Kowalski at University of Edinburgh continued until about 1975. Early implementations included C-Prolog, ESLPDPRO, Frolic, LM-Prolog, Open Prolog, SB-Prolog, {UPMAIL Tricia Prolog}. In 1998, the most common Prologs in use are Quintus Prolog, SICSTUS Prolog, LPA Prolog, {SWI Prolog}, AMZI Prolog, SNI Prolog. ISO draft standard at {Darmstadt, Germany (ftp://ftp.th-darmstadt.de/pub/programming/languages/prolog/standard/)}. or UGA, USA (ftp://ai.uga.edu/ai.prolog.standard). See also negation by failure, Kamin's interpreters, Paradigms of AI Programming, Aditi. A Prolog interpreter in Scheme. (ftp://cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pub/prolog1.1). {A Prolog package (ftp://cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pub/prolog1.1/prolog11.tar.Z)} from the University of Calgary features delayed goals and interval arithmetic. It requires Scheme with continuations. ["Programming in Prolog", W.F. Clocksin & C.S. Mellish, Springer, 1985]. (2001-04-01)