Słownik terminologii komputerowej

Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki lub indeksu alfabetycznego.
Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.

1 definition found From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: Peano arithmetic Giuseppe Peano's system for representing {natural numbers} inductively (induction) using only two symbols, "0" (zero) and "S" (successor). This system could be expressed as a recursive data type with the following Haskell definition: data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano The number three, usually written "SSS0", would be Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)). Addition of Peano numbers can be expressed as a simple syntactic transformation: plus Zero n = n plus (Succ m) n = Succ (plus m n) (1995-03-28)