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1 definition found From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: PowerPC PPC (PPC) A RISC microprocessor designed to meet a standard which was jointly designed by Motorola, IBM, and Apple Computer (the PowerPC Alliance). The PowerPC standard specifies a common {instruction set architecture} (ISA), allowing anyone to design and fabricate PowerPC processors, which will run the same code. The PowerPC architecture is based on the IBM POWER architecture, used in IBM's RS/6000 workstations. Currently IBM and Motorola are working on PowerPC chips. The PowerPC standard specifies both 32-bit and 64-bit data paths. Early implementations were 32-bit (e.g. {PowerPC 601}); later higher-performance implementations were 64-bit (e.g. PowerPC 620). A PowerPC has 32 integer registers (32- or 64 bit) and 32 floating-point (IEEE standard 64 bit) floating-point registers. The POWER CPU chip and PowerPC have a (large) common core, but both have instructions that the other doesn't. The PowerPC offers the following features that POWER does not: Support for running in little-endian mode. Addition of single precision floating-point operations. Control of branch prediction direction. A hardware coherency model (not in Book I). Some other floating-point instructions (some optional). The real time clock (upper and lower) was replaced with the time base registers (upper and lower), which don't count in sec/ns (the decrementer also changed). 64-bit instruction operands, registers, etc. (in 64 bit processors). See also PowerOpen, PowerPC Platform (PReP). {IBM PPC info (http://fnctsrv0.chips.ibm.com/products/ppc/index.html)}. (gopher://info.hed.apple.com/), "Apple Corporate News/" (press releases), "Apple Technologies/" and "Product Information/". (gopher://ike.engr.washington.edu/), "IBM General News/", "IBM Product Announcements/", "IBM Detailed Product Announcements/", "IBM Hardware Catalog/". Usenet newsgroups: comp.sys.powerpc, comp.sys.mac.hardware. ["Microprocessor Report", 16 October 1991]. (1994-09-30)