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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
A programming language for rule-based {production
systems}. A rule consists of pre-condition(s) and a resulting
The system checks its working memory to see if there are
rules whose pre-conditions are satisfied, if so, the action in
one selected satisfied rule is executed.
There is a public domain implementation of an OPS5
interpreter written by Charles L. Forgy
in 1977. It was first implemented in Lisp and later in
BLISS. It was also ported to Common Lisp by George Wood
and Jim Kowalski.
CLIPS is a language for writing expert systems, with some
of the capabilities of OPS5.
See also C5, OPS83, OPS4, OPS5+, OPS83.
Inference Engine Tech, Cambridge MA.
{An OPS5 interpreter in Common LISP
{A version by Mark Kantrowitz
["Programming Expert Systems in OPS5", L. Brownston et al, A-W
["An OPS5 Primer", Sherman et al, comes with OPS5 for DOS].
["Rule-Based Programming in the Unix System", G.T. Vesonder,
AT&T Tech J 67(1), 1988].