Słownik terminologii komputerowej

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Przykłady: pci, /dev/null, functional unit, embedded system, pseudo-tty, nfs.

1 definition found From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]: language code ISO 639-1 ISO 639-2 A set of standard names and abbreviations maintained by ISO for identifying human languages, natural and invented, past and present. Each language has a list of English and French names and an ISO 639-2 three-letter code. Some also have an ISO 639-1 two-letter code. The list even includes the Klingon language from the Star Trek science fiction series. {Latest list (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php)}. There are also country codes. (2006-12-11)