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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
\j*r'mn\ A human language written (in latin
alphabet) and spoken in Germany, Austria and parts of
German writing normally uses four non-ASCII characters: "ä", "ö"
and "ü" have "umlauts" (two dots over the top) and "ß" is a
double-S ("scharfes S") which looks like the Greek letter beta
(except in capitalised words where it should be written "SS").
These can be written in ASCII in several ways, the most common are
ae, oe ue AE OE UE ss or sz and the TeX versions "a "o "u "A "O
"U "s.
See also ABEND, blinkenlights, DAU, DIN, gedanken,
GMD, kluge.
Usenet newsgroup: soc.culture.german.