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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
A constraint-based declarative language based on
axiomatic set theory and designed for parallel execution on
MIMD architectures. Consul's fundamental data type is the
set and its fundamental operators are the {logical
connectives} ("and", "or", "not") and quantifiers ("forall",
"exists"). It is written in Lisp-like syntax, e.g.,
(plus x y z)
which means the relation x = y+z (not an assignment statement).
{["Design of the CONSUL Programming Language", D. Baldwin,
C. A. Quiroz Gonzalez, University of Rochester. Computer Science
Department, TR208, 1987 Feb (]}
{["Consul: A Parallel Constraint Language", D. Baldwin, IEEE
Software 6(4):62-71, 1989 July