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From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
Boycott Apple
Some time before 1989, Apple Computer, Inc. started a
lawsuit against Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft, claiming they
had breeched Apple's copyright on the look and feel of the
Macintosh user interface. In December 1989, Xerox failed to
sue Apple Computer, claiming that the software for Apple's
Lisa computer and Macintosh Finder, both copyrighted in
1987, were derived from two Xerox programs: Smalltalk,
developed in the mid-1970s and Star, copyrighted in 1981.
Apple wanted to stop people from writing any program that
worked even vaguely like a Macintosh. If such {look and
feel} lawsuits succeed they could put an end to {free
software} that could substitute for commercial software.
In the weeks after the suit was filed, Usenet reverberated with
condemnation for Apple. GNU supporters Richard Stallman,
John Gilmore and Paul Rubin decided to take action against
Apple. Apple's reputation as a force for progress came from
having made better computers; but The {League for Programming
Freedom} believed that Apple wanted to make all non-Apple
computers worse. They therefore campaigned to discourage people
from using Apple products or working for Apple or any other
company threatening similar obstructionist tactics (e.g. Lotus
and Xerox).
Because of this boycott the Free Software Foundation for a
long time didn't support Macintosh Unix in their software.
In 1995, the LPF and the FSF decided to end the boycott.
[Dates? Other events? Why did Xerox's case against Apple