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1 definition found
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (05 January 2017) [foldoc]:
Bobo the Webmonkey
What B1FF was to BITNET users, Bobo the
Webmonkey is to webmonkeys - the mythical prototype of
incompetent web designers everywhere. In fact, Bobo may be
what B1FF became when he grew up.
Bobo knows about HTML only what he has learned from viewing
the source of other people's Web pages.
Bobo doesn't know what a MIME type is, even though someone
gave him a hardcopy of the FOLDOC entry for it.
Bobo may have used an HTML code validator before, but isn't sure.
Bobo doesn't know what the difference between GIF and JPEG
is. He thinks PNG is a foreign country.
All the pages Bobo has designed say "Welcome to [organisation]
online!" at the top, and say "click here!" at least three
times per page.
Bobo has used Photoshop before; he doesn't understand why
people keep asking if he's ever been tested for
Bobo never got that "its" / "it's" distinction real clear, as
you can tell from his pages.
Bobo likes