Słownik gwary hakerów

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Przykłady: lamer, wannabee, geek, 404, 0, Zork.

1 definition found From The Jargon File (version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003) [jargon]: grilf //, n. Girlfriend. Like newsfroup and filk, a typo reincarnated as a new word. Seems to have originated sometime in 1990 on Usenet. [A friend tells me there was a Lloyd Biggle SF novel Watchers Of The Dark, in which alien species after species goes insane and begins to chant ?Grilf! Grilf!?. A human detective eventually determines that the word means ?Liar!? I hope this has nothing to do with the popularity of the Usenet term. ?ESR]