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Przykłady: lamer, wannabee, geek, 404, 0, Zork.
w00t, wabbit, WAITS, waldo, walk, walk off the end of, walking drives, wall, wall follower, wall time, wall wart, wallhack, wango, wank, wannabee, war dialer, war-chalking, war-driving, warez, warez d00dz, warez kiddies, warlording, warm boot, wart, washing machine, washing software, water MIPS, wave a dead chicken, weasel, web pointer, web ring, web toaster, webify, webmaster, wedged, wedgie, wedgitude, weeble, weeds, weenie, Weenix, well-behaved, well-connected, wetware, whack, whack-a-mole, whacker, whales, What's a spline?, wheel, wheel bit, wheel of reincarnation, wheel wars, white hat, whitelist, whizzy, Whorfian mind-lock, wibble, WIBNI, widget, wiggles, wild side, WIMP environment, win, win big, win win, Winchester, windoid, window shopping, Windowsitis, Windoze, winged comments, winkey, winnage, winner, winnitude, Wintel, Wintendo, wired, wirehead, wirewater, wish list, within delta of, within epsilon of, wizard, Wizard Book, wizard hat, wizard mode, wizardly, wok-on-the-wall, womb box, WOMBAT, womble, wonky, workaround, working as designed, worm, wormhole, wound around the axle, wrap around, write-only code, write-only language, write-only memory, Wrong Thing, wugga wugga, wumpus, WYSIAYG, WYSIWYG